Tom Kalla
Senior Manager, Sustainability
By: Tom Kalla
General overview of Earth Day. Pulled from
Since 1970, people all across the nation have recognized April 22nd as Earth Day. The first Earth Day inspired individual groups who fight against oil spills, the loss of wilderness, pollution, and wildlife extinction to unite together around shared goals. By 1990, Earth Day had gone global, reaching over 140 countries.
At The Resource Group we are committed to fostering change and doing our part to have a positive environmental impact. This means we strive for sustainability not just on Earth Day, but every day. We are proud to be a part of an organization that is publicly committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions and zero waste by 2040. Read more from Tom Kalla, Senior Manager, Sustainability on The Resource Group’s contributions and ongoing efforts towards these goals:
Senior Manager, Sustainability
As we all know environmental sustainability is no longer a choice but instead, a necessity, to build a better world for future generations. The Resource Group’s sustainability practices are driven by this necessity and are rooted in the Ascension Mission which calls us to be advocates for a compassionate and just society in our actions and our words.
One of our earliest steps on our sustainability journey started in 2013 with the development of a reprocessing program, which since its inception, has diverted five million pounds of healthcare waste from landfills. Over time, we have added small sustainability ‘wins’ across our day-to-day business practices such as a reusable tote program for supply deliveries that has avoided the equivalent of 16 tons of cardboard waste since August 2021.
As we look toward the future of our sustainability efforts The Resource Group has made a commitment to lead one of the three Ascension sustainability pillars:
To support this pillar, The Resource Group’s end-user led procurement process has accelerated collecting information on sustainable attributes to include standard questions focused on carbon emissions and sustainable packaging. Collecting this information supports our abilities to influence change and reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions. Additionally, as part of The Resource Group’s decision criteria for contracting, end-users will be provided with information on a supplier’s carbon footprint and overall supply practices so they can better assess if and how use of a supplier’s products may impact our overall organization’s sustainability goals. Through these combined efforts we hope to not only improve upon our internal practices but to also encourage increased sustainability across the overall industry.
We recognize we have a long way to go and not very much time. However, The Resource Group has always addressed challenges head on and through thoughtful collaboration. As the Senior Manager for Sustainability, I personally, am looking forward to enhancing the impact we make and improving our world for future generations. As Craig Cordola, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Ascension, stated in his 2021 call to action: “We strike out on new paths and meet the needs of the present with concern for all and without prejudice toward coming generations. Together, we will make a difference.”
Click on the resources below to learn more about our ongoing sustainability efforts: